Posts by omwalpoa

Multi- Committee Meeting

There will be a Recreation, Beautification, Budget and Finance and Capital[…]

Meet the Candidates

Come to the Delaware Township building located at 116 Wilson Hill[…]


The Election committee is having a meeting on 4/12 at 6pm[…]

Community Dumpster Update

The community dumpster will be open SATURDAY, 4/8/23 instead of Sunday[…]

Bylaw Committee Meeting

There will be a bylaw committee meeting on 4/13/23 at 6pm[…]

Communication Committee Meeting

There will be a Communication Committee meeting on April 6th at[…]

Multi – Committee Meeting

There will be a Recreation, Beautification, Budget and Finance and Capital[…]

Budget and Finance Committee Meeting

There will be a budget and finance committee meeting on 3/21/23[…]