If you do not receive your invoice by mid-March, please contact the office at 570-828-7511 to let us know, and we will get one out to you. Please contact the Administration Office if any information needs to be updated such as mailing address, phone number, etc. A Member Registration form was included with your invoice, please complete in its entirety and return to the office so we can update your records in the computer system.

The invoices are due May 1, 2025 with a 30-day grace period of May 31, 2025, you may pay any time prior. You may make small payments of any amount or pay in full, whichever is easier for your budget. However, your account must be paid in full by May 31, 2025 to be considered a member in “good standing.”  There is a 1.25% finance charge posted on the 1st of every month on any unpaid balances. We accept cash, checks, money order or credit/debit cards.  There is a processing fee “up to” 4% on all credit card payments.

As always, when your account is up to date, you may continue to make payments on future Dues. This is what we call, “pre-payment” and is a good way to stay ahead of the Annual Dues bill.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you. If you have any questions, please call 570-828-7511.

Upcoming Dues 2025-2026

2025-2026 Association Dues- Approved with no increase:

Improved Lot:       $ 1,105.00   
Unimproved Lot:   $ 1,105.00        
Adjacent Lot:        $ 1,105.00        
Renting:                $ 1,605.00         
SOS:                      $ 100.00

Preservation Program Combined Lot add $163.50 for each lot              

Capital Improvement Fee 2025-2026:

Improved Lot:        $ 1,105.00
Unimproved Lot:    $ 552.50
SOS:                      $100.00

Preservation Program Combined Lot add $163.50 for each lot

Current Dues 2024-2025

2024-2025 Association Dues- Approved with 105$ increase:

Improved Lot:       $ 1,105.00   
Unimproved Lot:   $ 1,105.00        
Adjacent Lot:        $ 1,105.00        
Renting:                $ 1,605.00         
SOS:                      $ 100.00 

Preservation Program Combined Lot add $163.50 for each lot              

Capital Improvement Fee 2024-2025:

Improved Lot:        $ 1,105.00
Unimproved Lot:    $ 552.50
SOS:                      $100.00

Preservation Program Combined Lot add $163.50 for each lot

Resale Packet

Resale Packet:  $250.00 – Rush Fee – Additional $75.00       Payable at time of order.

Resale Packets may be requested by the homeowner or by the Realtor on behalf of the homeowner.
Please put request in writing. Request should include the following:

1) A letter requesting the Resale Packet for the Wild Acres property containing the homeowner’s name,
mailing address, Wild Acres address if different than mailing address, Block #, Lot #, phone number
and the name and phone number of the person who will be picking up the Resale Packet.
Resale Packets cannot be mailed and must be picked up prior to closing.

2) A copy of the RECORDED DEED to include ALL PAGES. The copy of Recorded Deed must be provided
by the seller or the party who is requesting the Resale Packet on behalf of the seller at the time of request.


Packets will not be started until ALL documents AND payment have been received. The Administration Office has 10 business days to complete Resale Packets, so please order accordingly to your closing date, but please do not order too early as you will not receive the most current information in the Resale Packet. If the packet is ordered with in 3 days of closing, an additional $75.00 rush fee will be added.